Application & Removal

Zero-Damage Application Instructions. Approx. wear time: 2-3 weeks. All tools included in each kit.

1. Prep: Remove any nail polish. Wash and dry hands. Push back cuticles using cuticle stick. Use nail file to file tips and sides of nails, and buff entire nail surface. Remove oil and debris from nails with alcohol wipe. 

2. Size Pressa nails to your natural nails. refer to the numbers located on the inside of Pressa nails near the tip.

3. Apply adhesive tabs to each nail --this will act as a nail guard to ensure zero-damage to your natural nails. The numbers on the adhesive tabs correspond to the nail sizes determined in step 2.

4. Apply an even layer of liquid glue to the adhesive tabs, paying close attention to the edges of the adhesive tabs so that the nails stay secure. Do not overfill.

5. Align Pressa nails with cuticle line and apply at a downward, 45 degree angle while pressing out any air bubbles. Press down firmly and hold for 15-30 seconds. Avoid contact with water for 1 hour.

6. If needed, file or clip nails to achieve desired shape.

For best results, it is recommenced to apply nails before going to sleep, to allow nails to cure with minimal disruptions. Avoid contact with water, oil, and lotion for 1 hour.

Note: Customer may use only adhesive tabs for short wear (3-7 days), or only liquid glue for longer wear (7-14+ days), but for best results we recommend the zero-damage application process described above. 


Zero-damage Removal Instructions. Approx. removal time: 10 mins.

1. Soak nails in warm water for 10 minutes or until glue loosens.

2. Use cuticle stick to gently peel Pressa nails, starting from the sides. Do not force removal, re-soak nails if needed. 

3. Remove any excess glue using acetone and a buffer. Finish by moisturizing hands.